Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Death of the Ocean, Mother of Life

The following piece was written by me in 1972 as a part of my studies for my Master's Degree in International law.of International Law degree at New York University. In concerns the prospect of prosecuting ocean polluters as for international crimes just as we prosecute pirates. The first section: The Death of the Ocean the Mother of life seems particularly relevant to environmental crisis we face today that now threatens the humanity with an "Apocalypse of Selfishness."

Reprinted from The International Lawyer, Vol.6, No. 4, October 1972 Page 706 
Copyright 1972 American Bar Association

Are Ocean Polluters Subject to Universal Jurisdiction: Canada Breaks the Ice
By John C. Klotz*
A.      The Death of the Ocean - Mother of Life
      Until now, human development has proceeded on the assumption  that the earth and its resources were created for the use and  exploitation by mankind, and were so plentiful that little  thought need be given to their ultimate exhaustion.(Nte. 1) In terms  of ecology, man's economic theories have advanced little beyond  those of the Stone Age: "slash and burn" agricultural communities  who roam the world's tropical forests, slashing and burning trees  to create small plots for cultivation, and when the soil is soon  exhausted, moving on to another part of the forest to slash and  burn again.
      Similarly, modern man has exploited the resources of the  earth with such reckless abandon, that the human race is now  faced with an ecological crisis of unbelievable complexity. We  now know that the earth's resources are limited, with the points  of exhaustion of many of the most basic resources near at hand,  and that exploitation and industrialization are exacting such a  fearful toll that life, as we now know it, may be doomed to  extinction.(Nte. 2)
      Perhaps the most obvious of the world's endangered  ecological systems is the ocean.(Nte. 3) Ocean waters cover  four-fifths of the earth's surface. Its interaction with the  atmosphere determines weather and climate and each influences in  many ways the composition of the other.(Nte. 4) Over 70 percent of the  atmosphere's oxygen was created by ocean organisms.(Nte. 5) The ocean  is
 an integral part of the world's food supply and an important  communications link between the continents. Thus, the destruction  or alteration of the ocean's ecosystems would threaten the  earth's supply of oxygen, lead to the possibility of seriously  altered climates and threaten destruction of an important source  of the world's present and future food supply.(Nte. 6)
      Yet, the evidence seems conclusive that serious, destructive  pollution of the ocean has occurred, is continuing virtually  unabated and will become worse in the future. It may very well be  that the future of the ocean will be a replay of the destruction  and death of many smaller bodies of fresh water, such as Lake  Erie.(Nte. 7) Indeed, some of the ocean's constituent parts such as  the Baltic and the Mediterranean are well along the road to  becoming dead seas.(Nte. 8) Even the huge expanse of the Atlantic was  found by members of Thor Heyerdahl's Ra expedition, to be "one  big garbage dump."(Nte. 9)
      One of the most persistent pollutants now entering the ocean  in large quantities is oil. Estimates as to the quantity of oil  added to the marine environment vary from about 4.5 million tons  to no less than 10 million tons.(Nte. 10) Although the effects of oil  pollution have not I been completely determined, it is apparent  that continuing, unabated pollution of the oceans by oil  threatens the functioning of many of the oceans' important  life-supporting ecosystems. At the least, oil pollution has  succeeded in destroying much of the enjoyment and recreation that  man has traditionally found in the ocean, and has reduced the  ocean's capacity to produce fish fit for human consumption.
      Not all the oil found in the ocean is of human origin. In  addition to the millions of tons added by man, a nearly equal  amount of hydro-carbons may be added by natural processes.(Nte. 11)  However, nature has evolved, over millions of years, methods of  coping with the dangers caused by natural pollutants. The sudden  addition by man of vast quantities of unnatural pollutants  overwhelms the natural processes, and takes away from nature its  most important asset-time. In the modern world, the expanding  activi-
 ty of man, the polluter, has destroyed time and there is precious  little left.(Nte. 12) Despite the well-documented prophesies of  disaster and the catastrophes already endured, it is not likely  that mankind will voluntarily curtail its pollution-causing  activities. The immediate prospect is for increased oil pollution  as the worldwide search for oil causes further exploitation of  off-shore wells, and increased reliance on ocean shipping of  oil.(Nte. 13) Thus, the battle lines are being drawn between  "economists" who feel the need for further exploitation and  regard the environment as a subsidiary  concern, and the  "ecologists" who feel that the survival of the race is dependent  on placing primary concern on environmental problems.(Nte. 14)
 B.      The International Community and Oil Pollution
      Although the efforts of the international community to cope  with oil pollution date back to at least 1926, the extent of the  present crisis is a measure of its failure. In 1926, a convention  relating to international oil pollution was drafted but not  ratified. However, in 1954, an International Convention for the  Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil was adopted.(Nte. 15)  Although it was subsequently amended, its inherent weakness was  such that in 1969, the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative  Organization (IMCO) promulgated at its Brussels Conference two  new conventions: the "International Convention on Civil Liability  for Oil Pollution Damage"(Nte. 16) and the "International Convention  relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil  Pollution Casualties."(Nte. 17)
      Despite the fact that the IMCO convention followed by forty  years the initial pollution control efforts of 1926, and despite  the fact that by 1969, maritime oil pollution was clearly a major  world problem, the net result of
 the conventions was to impose limited civil liability on the  owners and operators of oil tankers, require insurance to cover  such damages, and authorize limited intervention on the high seas  after maritime casualties. The shallowness and limited utility of  this approach was argued forcefully by the Canadian government at  Brussels. In light of the structural domination of lMCO by  maritime states with a vested interest in ocean commerce, it is  not surprising that the Canadian arguments did not carry the  day.(Nte. 18)
 C.      The Canadian Action
 1.      The Frustrations of the Multi-Lateral Approach
      ... The Canadian experience was rather unfortunate when they explored possibilities of action within the U.N. apparatus. At the same time there was a rather diffuse interest in the various organs and agencies, there was also, clearly, almost a pre-emption of the possibility of early and direct action by lMCO, which was clearly not an agency, in view of its interest in facilitating maritime commerce, that could take the sort of broad approach that was necessary for this type of problem. Canada was not only rebuffed at the Brussels Conference held last year, but actually received clear indications of reluctance on the part of some governments to assume any responsibility or become involved in this issue. Consequently, Canada felt obliged to take unilateral action that would meet the need of protection in the Arctic environment. It was partly conceived as a goad to the international community to take constructive action.(Nte. 19)
      The problems of ocean pollution are intensified by the  extreme climate of the Arctic region. While 50 percent of spilled  oil in a temperate zone might be oxidized within a week, oil  spilled in the Arctic may persist as long as fifty years.(Nte. 20)  Thus, events in the Arctic led to Canada's desperate attempts at  Brussels to put teeth into the international community's attempts  to combat oil pollution.
      In the summer of 1969, the oil tanker U.S. Manhattan  successfully navigated the Northwest Passage through the Canadian  Arctic to the new oil fields on the Alaskan north slope. The  conflict between the economists and the ecologists was brought  into sharp focus. Alaskan oil was regarded as vital by oil  interests in the United States and ocean shipping would result in  a cost saving of nearly $600,000 a day.(Nte. 21)
      Meanwhile, the ecologists foresaw the devastating results a  major oil
 spill might have on the Arctic environment. Shortly after the  Brussels conference, an oil spill occurred in northern waters off  Nova Scotia when the tanker Arrow grounded. Although only a small  spill, the potential for a larger disaster was clear, and  Canada's apprehensions were not eased when the owner of the Arrow  was found to be a corporation that was little more than a  Bahamian filing cabinet.(Nte. 22)
      In the spring of 1970, Canada felt compelled to enact  far-reaching pollution control legislation entitled "Act to  prevent Pollution of Areas of Arctic Waters adjacent to the  mainland islands of the Canadian Arctic."(Nte. 23) The Act authorized  detailed regulation of activity in Arctic areas previously  regarded as high seas. The Act was promptly attacked as an  unjustified unilateral extension of jurisdiction in violation of  international law.(Nte. 24) To those sympathetic to Canada's action,  the question was aptly framed by Justice Douglas of the United  States Supreme Court:
      ... Is Canada's new act suggestive of the law the world needs to safeguard the estuaries and oceans of      the world from the almost certain degradation they face under present pressures?(Nte. 25)
 2.      The Canadian Legislation
      On June 26, 1970, the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention  Act, received Royal Assent and became law.(Nte. 26) By that Act,  Canada asserted jurisdiction to regulate activities in its Arctic  Waters through a national regime which governs everything, from  penalties for polluters to the actual construction of ships of  any nation traversing the international waters of the Canadian  Arctic.
      Under the Act, "Arctic Waters" were defined as all those  waters above latitude 60 north within 100 nautical miles of shore  plus continental shelves or other substrata that Canada had the  right to exploit.(Nte. 27) The objective of the Act was not just oil  pollution but included any substance (including detrimentally  altered water) detrimental to the use of the Arctic Waters by  men, or fish and plants men use.(Nte. 28)
      Any individual who deposits such waste is subject to severe  civil and criminal penalties and is liable to any person  damaged.(Nte. 29) However, in
 order to prevent pollution before it occurs, the act gives the  Canadian government the power to regulate in great detail the  construction of ships using Arctic Waters and requires that such  ships use Canadian qualified pilots and lookouts.(Nte. 30) The Canadian  government disclaimed any intention of claiming sovereignty over  the Arctic Waters, and insisted that it was simply regulating  pollution-prone activities on behalf of all mankind.(Nte. 31)
      Yet, if the powers which Canada has appropriated for itself  are not sovereignty over the Arctic Waters, what are they? Has  Canada defined a new kind of contiguous zone in the high seas?  Under the provisions of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and  the Contiguous Zone, in the zone of high seas contiguous to its  territorial seas, a coastal state had the right to exercise  control in order to enforce, and punish infringement of customs,  fiscal, immigration or sanitary regulations within its  territorial sea or territory.(Nte. 32)  However, the Convention  specifically limited that zone to no more than twelve miles from  the baseline for measuring the territorial sea. In both the scope  of regulation, and the breadth of zone, the Canadian Act goes far  beyond the contiguous zone envisioned by the Convention.
      Canada, however, found no lack of precedent for its  assertion of jurisdiction to regulate activities on the high seas  to protect its vital interest in the Arctic, and also took the  position that the usual high seas regime had little meaning in  its Arctic Waters, where much of the high seas were permanently  covered by ice and inhabited by Eskimos who live their entire  lives on the ice without ever touching land.(Nte. 33) Prudently,  Canada withdrew from its acceptance of the mandatory jurisdiction  of the International Court of Justice, the question of the  validity of its Arctic Waters Act.(Nte. 34)
 D.      The Canadian Arctic Waters Act and International Law
      Even before formal enactment, the mere proposal of the  Arctic Waters Act by the government of Prime Minister Trudeau  caused a barrage of criticism, much of it from the United  States.(Nte. 35) It was assailed by some as an act of unilateral  law-making, and a grievous impingement of the freedom of the  seas. Canada, on its part, admitted lack of precedent, and in  reply to
 a protest from the government of the United States made pointed  reference to the Truman Declaration of the Continental Shelf as  ample precedent for its actions and a prime example of a  "unilateral jurisdiction assertion."(Nte. 36)
      By Canada's own definition, it was not claiming sovereignty  over the Arctic Waters, but merely asserting a special kind of  jurisdiction to prevent pollution. To evaluate the lawfulness of  the Canadian action, we must therefore examine the customary  jurisdiction of national states, and whether Canada's action is  fundamentally at odds with the customary basis.
 There are five customary bases of national jurisdiction.(Nte. 37)  They are:
 (a)     The Territorial Principle
      A State has jurisdiction to prescribe rules and regulation  with respect to conduct, things, status, or other interest within  its territory. Some scholars would list as a separate basis the  floating territory principle, which includes jurisdiction over  vessels or aircraft subject to national jurisdiction.38 Under the  territorial principle, a State has jurisdiction over its  territorial seas, subject to the right of foreign vessels to  transverse the territorial sea in "Innocent Passage." Likewise,  the concept of the contiguous zone is an application of the  territorial principle.
 (b)     Protected Interest Principle
      A State has jurisdiction to prescribe rules of law to  conduct outside its territory that threatens its security as a  State. Thus treason and counterfeiting committed abroad may be  punished by the State wronged, and a State may take other  measures reasonably necessary for its defense.
 (c)     Nationality of Offender
      A State may regulate the conduct of its own citizens, no  matter where they may be.
 (d)     Nationality of Victim
      A State may also assert jurisdiction, because the victim of  criminal conduct outside of its boundaries, is a citizen.
 (e)     The Universality Principle
      A State may also have jurisdiction to take enforcement  action to protect
 certain universal interests and punish offenses against the law  of nations. Thus piracy, slavery and war crimes may be prosecuted  by any state which obtains custody of the perpetrator regardless  of any other connection the state may, or may not, have with  offense.(Nte. 39)
      As noted above, the territorial principle by itself is an  insufficient basis for the Canadian legislation, since the  previous definitions of the contiguous zone were usually more  limited in scope than claimed by Canada. However, a state has  considerably more latitude when taking measures of self-defense.
      These broad powers were recognized by the Supreme Court of  the United States in the leading case of Church v. Hubbart, which  involved the seizure of a ship off the coast of Brazil by  Portuguese authorities. The Court, in determining the validity of  the seizure noted:
      ... The authority of a nation within its own territory is absolute and exclusive. The seizure of a vessel within the range of its cannon by a foreign force is an invasion of that territory and a hostile act which it is its duty to repel. But its power to secure itself from injury may certainly be exercised beyond the limits of its own territory. Upon this principle the right of a belligerent to search a neutral vessel on the high seas for contraband of war is universally admitted, because the belligerent has the right to prevent the injury done to himself by the assistance intended for his enemy: so too a nation has a right to prohibit any commerce with its colonies. Any attempt to violate the laws made to protect this right, is an injury to itself which it may prevent, and it has a right to use the means necessary for its prevention. These means do not appear to be limited within any certain marked boundaries, which remain the same at all times and in all situations. If they are such as unnecessarily to vex and harass foreign lawful commerce, foreign nations will resist their exercise. If they are such as are reasonable and necessary to secure their laws from violation, they will be submitted to.(Nte. 40)
      Moreover, in support of its action, Canada has pointed to  actions by the United States, including the creation of Air  Defense Identification Zones 300 miles in depth, and the banning  of shipping from large areas of the high seas in connection with  hydrogen bomb tests.(Nte. 41)
      In reviewing the legality of such actions, a test of  reasonableness which echoes the language of the Supreme Court in  Church v. Hubbart has been applied. Is the object of the  regulation reasonable and are the means used reasonable? If so,  then the action is lawful even though it does temporarily  interfere with the freedom of the seas. (Nte. 42)
      Whatever the objection raised to Canada's action, it must be  judged in
 light of the Lotus case, decided by the International Court of  Justice in l927.(Nte. 43) The Court, in considering the validity of  Turkish legislation with supposed extra-territorial effect, laid  down the rule that an exercise of jurisdiction by a state will  always be valid in the absence of a clear prohibitory rule of  international law. Since the only prohibitory rule applicable is  the so-called "freedom of the high seas," and we have already  seen that this rule is clearly subject to reasonable restrictions  in the protection of legitimate State interests, the burden on  those attacking Canada's action is heavy indeed.
      Moreover, the power to regulate pollution activity asserted  by Canada has already found echoes in the United Kingdom.  Following a particularly offensive oil spill in April, 1971,  Parliament enacted extensive new legislation governing oil spills  in English territorial waters.(Nte. 44) The government was given  broader powers to regulate shipping and the penalties for oil  spills were considerably increased. In addition, the government  was authorized to extend the effect of the act to ships outside  territorial waters by special decree.(Nte. 45) This additional  authority has not yet been exercised, but by enabling the  government to do so, Parliament has taken a long step down the  new trail in pollution control, blazed by Canada.
 E.      The Canadian Legislation as Protecting Universal Interests.
      Canada has not seen fit to rest the case for its Arctic  Waters legislation on the narrow ground of self-protection but  has consistently maintained it was acting to protect the  interests of all mankind, in the absence of sufficient rules of  international law. Thus Prime Minister Trudeau has said:
      ... where no law exists, or where law is clearly insufficient, there is no international common law applying to the Arctic Seas, we're saying somebody has to preserve this area for mankind until international law develops.(Nte. 46)
      In light of our previous discussion of the danger of  ecological catastrophe, this appeal certainly strikes a  responsive chord, but does it add any further legitimacy to  Canada's case? If there is an interest to protect, does Canada  have the right to protect it, or ought protection of  international interests be left to the international community?  We have previously noted the right of states to punish offenses  against the law of nations, in order to protect universal  interests. Is pollution a violation of the law of nations?
      Early in the development of international law, it was  recognized that states had the right to punish individuals who  violated the Law of Nations
 even though the crime had no direct effect on the State seeking  to exercise jurisdiction.(Nte. 47) One of the first examples of the  exercise of this jurisdiction were laws against piracy, Any state  which apprehended a pirate could, under the rules of  international law, exercise jurisdiction and punish him for his  crimes, whether or not directly affected by his conduct.(Nte. 48)
      Gradually, by treaty and custom, the classifications of  international criminals expanded to include slave traders,  brigands (pirates of the land), and offenders against the laws of  war.(Nte. 49) The principle seems well established that 'any person  who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international  law is responsible therefore and liable for punishment."(Nte. 50) This  first principle of Nuremburg, has undergone rapid expansion in  recent years so that the perpetrators of Genocide and Apartheid  have now been branded as international criminals by proposed  conventions.
      One general definition has been offered as an offense  against the law of nations, which brings the status of the  polluter into sharp focus:
      ... any violation of an elemental individual, group, nation, or international value so basic and permanent in its importance, that the necessity of its protection is recognized by most of the recognized actors on the international scene.(Nte. 51)
      An international crime has also been defined as:
      ... such an act, universally recognized as criminal, which is considered a grave matter of international concern and for some valid reason cannot be left within the exclusive jurisdiction of the state that would have control over it under ordinary circumstances.(Nte. 52)
      Certainly, under these definitions, the characterization of  the environmental polluter as an "international criminal" begins  to assume credibility, provided it can be determined that the  pollution of the environment violates a right whose importance is  universally recognized.
      We began by noting the evidence of extreme peril to the  environment, and the concern of many for the survival of mankind,  Is this regard for the quality of the environment universal and a  matter of 'grave concern"? One result of the United Nations  Stockholm Conference on the environment will be a "Declaration on  the Human Environment." According to recent conferees at  preparations for the conference, this declaration should be a  document of universally recognized fundamental principles  recommended for action by individuals, states and the  international community. The
 declaration could in view of some delegations to the  committee:  ". . . make an important contribution by universally  recognizing the fundamental need of the individual for a  satisfactory environment which permits the enjoyment of his human  rights."(Nte. 53)
      In addition, the declarations of the United Nations  concerning the seabed, clearly indicate that the sea is res  communis, the common heritage of all mankind.(Nte. 54) Is it not  logical to maintain that those who through their polluting  activities befoul the "common heritage of mankind" are committing  a crime against mankind?
      Furthermore, many nations and municipalities have labeled  the polluter a criminal in their local laws, indicating that  concern for the environment is universal and a very grave matter  indeed.(Nte. 55) Add the fact, that protection of the environment  cannot be left within the "exclusive jurisdiction" of national  States, which may be unwilling to accept the economic results of  enforcement, then the classification of pollution as an offense  against the law of nations becomes a matter of necessity.(Nte. 56)
 F.      The Application of Universal Jurisdiction to Polluters
      Insofar as the Canadian Arctic Waters Act imposes severe  civil and criminal penalties on those who pollute Arctic Waters,  then it appears to be a valid exercise of jurisdiction to protect  a recognized universal interest. The all-encompassing nature of  the regulatory scheme, while founded in part on the same desire  to protect the environment, may be difficult to justify on such a  universal basis since Canada appropriates to itself the right to  regulate activities not just on the high seas but in many  different localities throughout the world.
 Certainly, the manner in which ships are constructed in local  shipyards in Japan, the United States and Europe, should not be  subject to a single state's judgment of what constitutes proper  construction. If the penalties for pollution are severe enough,  then the attempt to regulate construction may not be necessary. A  ship owner facing criminal penalties would hesitate before  sending an improperly constructed ship through Arctic Waters.
      If many States were to enact comprehensive regulatory  schemes unilaterally, chaos would result. Suppose for example,  the United States and Denmark followed Canada's lead, but came up  with different standards? Would the interest of justice  necessarily be served by giving the nation that enacted the  toughest standards the last word? These considerations argue  forcefully, that the only appropriate vehicle for preventive  regulatory schemes is multilateral agreement rather than  unilateral action.
      One cannot expect, however, that effective international  regulation of pollution activities will arrive full-born  overnight. On the contrary, only when enough nations have  expressed forcefully their impatience with the present situation  will others act. Standards of conduct normally precede the  development of the regimes to enforce them, since the developed  standards are necessary for the achievement of a sufficient  consensus for action. Thus, speaking in the context of a proposed  world habeus corpus, Dean Roscoe Pound wrote:
      ...It has been assumed that to have world law, we must have a world state; that universal political organization must come before universal law. May it not be rather that universal law must precede the universal state which will undertake to put any required force behind it.(Nte. 57)
      In this way, Canada has broken important new ground in the  battle to preserve the earth's ecology. Those who would continue  exploitation of the earth's resources with only slight reference  to the environment, are on notice that their depredations will  not go permanently unchallenged.
      As more States come to the Canadian view of the environment,  and the right of all nations to prosecute polluters as offenders  against the law of nations is increasingly recognized, momentum  may well develop that will lead to the effective international  regulation so desperately needed.(Nte. 58) In the interim there may be  chaos, but it will be a chaos with hope-hope that mankind may at  last be coming to grips with the crisis that threatens its very  existence on this planet.
 *LL.B (1960). Syracuse Univ., Candidate for LL.M. (International  Law). June, 1972, New York Univ., member, American Association of  International Law, American Bar (International Law Section) and  New  York State Bar Associations, Association of the Bar of the  City of New York.
 (1) THE BIBLE, Genesis, 1:28.
 (2) FaIk, Toward Equilibrium in the World Order System, 64 AM.  SOC. INT'L L. PROC 217-18(1970).
 (3) Schacter and Serner, Marine Pollution and Remedies, 65 AM. J.  lNT'L L. 84 (1971).
 (4) Stewart. The Atmosphere and the Ocean. SCIENTIFIC AM., p. 76,  (Sept., 1960).
 (5) Schacter and Serner, supra note 3. at 87.    (6) The inter-related components of a natural system are sometimes  called an ecosystem. The sum total of all ecosystems is the  ecosphere. CaIdwell, The Ecosystem a Criteria for Public Land  Policy, 10 NATURAL RESOURCES JOURNAL 203 (1970). One example of  an ecosystem in action is the inter-relationship of the ocean and  the atmosphere in determining the composition and actions of each  other. See Stewart, The Atmosphere and the Ocean, SCIENTIFIC AM.,  p. 76, (Sept. 1969).   (7) Harwood, We Are Killing the Sea Around Us, N.Y. Times  (Magazine). p. 35 (Oct. 24, 1971).
 (8) N. Y. Post. July 27. 1970, p. 4; N. Y. Times, (Oct. 23,1971) p.  9.
 (9) N.Y. Post. (July 15. 1970) p. 9.    (10) Schacter and Serner, supra note 3, p. 89.
 (11) Id.     (12) The process was described by RACHEL CARSON in her classic work,  SILENT SPRING, at p. 6:
  It took hundreds of millions of years to produce  life that now inhabits the earth-eons of time in which developing and evolving and diversifying life reached a state of adjustment and balance with its surroundings. The environment, rigorously shaping and directing the life it supported, contained elements that were hostile as well as supporting. Certain rocks gave out dangerous radiation; even within the light of the sun from which all life draws its energy, were short wave radiations with power to injure. Given time - time not in years but in millenia-life adjusts, and a balance has been reached. For time is the essential ingredient; but in the modern world there is not time.
 (13) Risk Conceded in Offshore Rigs, N. Y. Times, Sept. 4, 1971); Spill Danger Said to Increase, N. Y. Times (Dec. 16, 1969) p. 9.
 (14) Henderson, Economists v. Ecologists, N. Y. Times, (Oct. 24,  1971) F, p. 14.
 (15) For an excellent review of the effort of the international  community to control oil pollution of the oceans see Sweeny, Oil  Pollution of the Oceans, 37 FORDHAM L. REV. 115 (1968).
 (16) 9 INT. LEGAL MATERIALS 45 (Jan. 1970).    (17) 9 INT. LEGAL MATERIALS 25 (Jan. 1970).    (18) Gold, Pollution of the Sea and International Law: A Canadian  Perspective, 3 J. MAR. L.& COMM. 13,27,28 (1971).
 (19) Prof. Gerald L. Morris, as reported in 64 AM. SOC. lNT'L.  LAW, PROCEEDINGS 52 (1970).
 (20) Schacter and Serwer, supra note 3, at 89.
 (21) Keating, North For Oil, Manhattan Makes the Historic  Northwest Passage, 137 Nat. Geographic 374-76 (1970).    (22) Gold, supra note 18, p. 32.   (23) Hereinafter cited as ARCTIC WATERS POLLUTION PREVENTION ACT,  9 INT. LEGAL MATERIALS 543 (1970).
 (24) Henkin, Arctic Anti-Pollution: Does Canada Make or Break  International Law?, 65 AM. J. lNT'L. L., 131(1971).    (25) 7 TEXAS lNT'L L. J. 3 (1971).
 (26) For a thorough study of the law see Wilkes, International Due  Process and Control of Pollution - The Canadian Arctic Waters  Example. 2 J. MAR. L. & COMM. 499(1971).
 (27) ARCTIC WATERS POLLUTION PREVENTION ACT, Supra note 23,   3(1) and (2).    (28) Sec. 2(h).
 (29) CIVIL LIABILITY 6(1) (2), PENAL PROVISIONS 18, 19,  23, and 24.    (30) Sec. 12.
 (31) " ... it is not an assertion of sovereignty, it is an  exercise of our desire to keep the Arctic free of pollution."  Press conference of April 8, 1970, of Prime Minister Trudeau, 9  INT. LEGAL MATERIALS 600 (1970).    (32) Convention on the Territorial Sea and The Contiguous Zone,  ART. 24. U.N. DOC. A/CONF. I3/L. 52, April 28, 1958.
 (33) Beesley. Rights and Responsibilities of Arctic Coastal  States: The Canadian View, 3 J. OF MAR. L. & COMM. 1 (1971);  Pharand, Oil Pollution Control in the Canadian Arctic, 7 TEXAS  lNT'L J. 45 (1971).
 (34) 9 INT. LEGAL MATERIALS 598 (1970).    (35) Department of State Release. April 15, 1970. 64 AM. J. lNT'L.  L. 928 (1970).    (36) CANADIAN NOTE of April 16, 1970. 9 INT. LEGAL MATERIALS 607  (1970).
 (37) RESTATEMENT (SECOND) FOREIGN RELATIONS LAW OF THE UNITED  STATES, Ch. 2. 10 et seq.; George, Extraterritorial Application  of Penal Legislation, 64 MICHIGAN L. R. 609 (1966); Cowles,  University of Jurisdiction Over War Crimes, 33 CALIF. L. REV. 177  (1945); Carnegie, Jurisdiction Over Violations of the Laws and  Customs of War, 39 BRIT. Y. B. lNT'L. L. 402 (1963).
 (38) George, supra note 37, at 614.     (39) Cowles, supra note 37.
 (40) Church v. Hubbart, 2 CRANCH 187, 234 (1804).
 (41) CANADIAN NOTE, supra note 36.
 (42) Mac Dougal, The Hydrogen Bomb Tests and the International  Law of the Sea, 49 AM. J. INT'L. L. 356 1955).
 (43) P.C.I.J., Series A., No. 10 (1927).
 (44) THE OIL IN NAVIGABLE WATERS ACT of April 17. 1971.
 (45) Id. 8(1O).
 (46) Supra note 31, at 601.
 (47) Cowles, supra note 37.
 (48) Id.
 (49) Id.
 (50) Report of the International Law Commission, 2nd Session,  1950.
 (51) Bloom, Steps to Define Offenses Against the Law of Nations,  18 W. RESERVE L. REV., 1572 (1967).
 (52) Case No. 47,8 LAW REPORTS OF TRIALS OF WAR CRIMINALS 34, 35.    (53) Report of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations  Conference on the Human Environment, 2nd Session, p. 16, 26  February, 1971, A/CONF. 48/P.C. 9.
 (54) Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Study the Peaceful Uses of  the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor Beyond the Limits of National  Jurisdiction, U.N. DOC, A/7230 (1968).
 (55) Young Italian magistrates are making aggressive use of criminal  proceedings, in an attempt to alleviate Italy's notorious  pollution problems. N. Y. Times, (News of the Week in Review)  May 23, 1971, p.8.
 (56) Commerce Sec. Maurice Stans of the United States has made it  perfectly clear, that "in the national interest, economic  considerations must be considered before setting environmental  standards." N. Y. Times, July 16, 1971, p. 62.
 (57) As quoted in Bloom, supra note 51 at 1593.
 (58) Falk, supra note 2.  

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