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As an author, I suppose that I should not be too sensitive to criticisms. It comes with the territory. However, Hugh Farey's criticism posted on shroudstory.com that I did not devote enough space and energy to explaining why Picknett-Prince theory that DaVinci forged the Shroud 100 years after it was first exhibited in Lirey, France is nearly as supercilious as the theory itself (which Hugh apparently rejects also).
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As an author, I suppose that I should not be too sensitive to criticisms. It comes with the territory. However, Hugh Farey's criticism posted on shroudstory.com that I did not devote enough space and energy to explaining why Picknett-Prince theory that DaVinci forged the Shroud 100 years after it was first exhibited in Lirey, France is nearly as supercilious as the theory itself (which Hugh apparently rejects also).
The complete first paragraph of Chapter One which Hugh cites
in part reads:
"There have been more than 1,000 books written about the
Shroud of Turin from many different perspectives. Some claim to have determined
that the Shroud of Turin is a fake. Many of those insist that it was painted,
the usual suspect being Leonardo da Vinci. It has even been claimed that the Shroud
is a photograph created by da Vinci who managed to insert his own face onto the
That is fiction. Da Vinci was born
approximately 100 years after the first documented exhibition of the Shroud in
Lirey France .
Although the clearly documented history of the Shroud dates to 1350 CE and its
exposition at Lirey, there are various accounts which would indicate its
existence at much earlier times." (Emphasis added)
I think that given the
fatuousness of the Pinkett-Prince theory, that was enough.
Quantum Christ is
not a book about "wingnut" theories.[ii]
It focuses on the physical facts of the Shroud and the inferences that can be
drawn from those facts. If anyone has any need to research deeply into their
wingnut theory there are ample resources on the web. Let me suggest one: http://www.shroud-enigma.com/investigation/Forger/Forger-shroud.htm
There have been two comments published thus far on the
Amazon Page for Quantum Christ. One was a five out of five star review and the
other was four out of five by Judith Underwood.
Ms. Underwood's review was enlightening and helpful to me:
"Excellent account of the
history of Shroud research and presents a very good case for its authenticity!
I was a bit disappointed that it did not delve into how the findings of quantum
physics may provide a possible mechanism for the image formation."
I will be preparing a
revision to answer Ms. Underwood's comment and if anyone has already purchased
the book, I will provide the revision gratis. Actually, the revision of the one
chapter will include a discussion of a 2010 presentation by Andrew Sullivan and
Nigel Kerner[iii] which
argues that consciousness was an elemental power that along with gravity
pre-existed the universe and engendered it. That's my very brief summary and/or
I was drawn to the presentation
by a remark by Dr. Silverman at the recent St. Louis Conference just concluded
that conscious was a preexisting force as was gravity. (My interpretation).
That's a "wow"
philosophically speaking.
Let's see, consciousness
that along with gravity that preexisted in what I have labeled the "cosmic
chaos" from which our universe emerged. None dare call it God.
Picknett, Lynn; Prince, Clive L, Turin Shroud: In Whose
Image? The Shocking Truth Unveiled, BloomsburyLondon, 1994.
[ii] I am
afraid that "wingnut" may be an "Americanism" like "wanting
something in the worst way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingnut_(politics)
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